Gate-dependent spin-orbit coupling in multi-electron carbon nanotubes
Gate-dependent spin-torque in a nanoconductor-based spin-valve
Gate-dependent tunneling-induced level shifts observed in carbon nanotube quantum dots
Gate-induced blueshift and quenching of photoluminescence in suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes
Gate-induced insulating state in bilayer graphene devices
Gate-induced interlayer asymmetry in ABA-stacked trilayer graphene
Gate-induced magneto-oscillation phase anomalies in graphene bilayers
Gate-tunable bandgap in bilayer graphene
Gate-tunable split Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube quantum dot
Gate-tuned high frequency response of carbon nanotube Josephson junctions
Gate-tuned normal and superconducting transport at the surface of a topological insulator
Gate-Voltage Control of Chemical Potential and Weak Anti-localization in Bismuth Selenide
Gate-voltage dependence of Kondo effect in a triangular quantum dot
Gate-Voltage Studies of Discrete Electronic States in Al Nanoparticles
Gated combo nanodevice for sequential operations on single electron spin
Gated nonlinear transport in organic polymer field effect transistors
Gated Spin Transport through an Individual Single Wall Carbon Nanotube
Gating of a molecular transistor: Electrostatic and Conformational
Gating of high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
Gaudin models solver based on the Bethe ansatz/ordinary differential equations correspondence