B12Hn and B12Fn: Planar vs Icosahedral Structures
Back-action Driven Electron Spin Singlet-Triplet Excitation in a GaAs Quantum Dot
Back-action Evading Measurements of Nanomechanical Motion
Back-action evasion and squeezing of a mechanical resonator using a cavity detector
Back-action Induced Non-equilibrium Effect in Electron Charge Counting Statistics
Back-action noise in strongly interacting systems: the dc SQUID and the interacting quantum point-contact
Backaction of a charge detector on a double quantum dot
Background charge fluctuation in a GaAs quantum dot device
Background charges and quantum effects in quantum dots transport spectroscopy
Backscattering of Dirac fermions in HgTe quantum wells with a finite gap
Backward diode composed of a metallic and semiconducting nanotube
Balanced ternary addition using a gated silicon nanowire
Ballistic and Diffuse Electron Transport in Nanocontacts of Magnetics
Ballistic and diffuse transport through a ferromagnetic domain wall
Ballistic anisotropic magnetoresistance
Ballistic charge transport in chiral-symmetric few-layer graphene
Ballistic dynamics of a convex smooth-wall billiard with finite escape rate along the boundary
Ballistic effects in a proximity induced superconducting diffusive metal
Ballistic electron motion in a random magnetic field
Ballistic Electron Quantum Transport in Presence of a Disordered Background