S-duality constraints on 1D patterns associated with fractional quantum Hall states
S-Matrix Formulation of Mesoscopic Systems and Evanescent Modes
S-matrix network models for coherent waves in random media: construction and renormalization
S-Matrix Poles Close to Thresholds in Confined Geometries
Saddles, Twists, and Curls: Shape Transitions in Freestanding Nanoribbons
Sagnac effect in a chain of mesoscopic quantum rings
Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotube loops
Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotubes
Sagnac Rotational Phase Shifts in a Mesoscopic Electron Interferometer with Spin-Orbit Interactions
Sample-specific and Ensemble-averaged Magnetoconductance of Individual Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Sampling Distributions of Random Electromagnetic Fields in Mesoscopic or Dynamical Systems
Saturated Hydrocarbons on Silicon: Quantifying Desorption with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Quantum Theory
Saturation of dephasing time in mesoscopic devices produced by a ferromagnetic state
Saturation of interband absorption in graphene
Saturation of Spin-Polarized Current in Nanometer Scale Aluminum Grains
Scalability of Atomic-Thin-Body (ATB) Transistors Based on Graphene Nanoribbons
Scalability of spin FPGA: A Reconfigurable Architecture based on spin MOSFET
Scalar and vector Keldysh models in the time domain
Scalar spin chirality and quantum Hall effect on a triangular lattice
Scaled variational computation of the energy spectrum of a two-dimensional hydrogenic donor in a magnetic field of arbitrary strength