T-duality in supersymmetric theory of disordered quantum systems
T-shaped spin filter with a ring resonator
Tail States below the Thouless Gap in SNS junctions: Classical Fluctuations
Tailoring Chirp in Spin-Lasers
Tailoring exchange interactions in engineered nanostructures: Ab initio study
Tailoring hole spin splitting and polarization in nanowires
Tailoring Interlayer Exchange Coupling of Ferromagnetic Films Across MgO with Fe Nanoclusters
Tailoring Josephson coupling through superconductivity-induced nonequilibrium
Tailoring Light-Matter Interaction with a Nanoscale Plasmon Resonator
Tailoring magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial half metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films
Tailoring magnetoresistance through rotating Ni particles
Tailoring photon emission patterns in nanostructures
Tailoring population inversion in Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interferometry of flux qubits
Tailoring the atomic structure of graphene nanoribbons by STM lithography
Tailoring the carrier mobility of semiconducting nanowires by remote dielectrics
Tailoring the Fermi level of the leads in molecular-electronic devices
Tailoring the magnetic properties of Fe asymmetric nanodots
Tails of Localized Density of States of Two-dimensional Dirac Fermions
Tails of the Density of States in a Random Magnetic Field
Taking stock of the quantum Hall effects: Thirty years on