"+-+" Brane Model Phenomenology
".. I didn't reflect much on what I was doing.." How Planck discovered his radiation formula
"0.7 anomaly" and magnetic impurity formation in quantum point contacts
"A comparison of glasses from the Apollo 11 and 12 "missions""
"A Hint From the Inter-Family Mass Hierarchy: Two Vector-Like Families in the TeV range"
"A link with the present"
"A Rare Astronomical Treatise"
"A Solvable Hamiltonian System" Integrability and Action-Angle Variables
"A startling astronomical discovery"
"Activation Analysis Determination of U and Pb in Apollo 11 Lunar Fines"
"Actuation at a distance" of microelectromechanical systems using photoelectrowetting: proof-of-concept
"Adsorbed" Oxygen in the Santa Catharina Ataxite
"Advances in earth oriented applications of space technology", an international journal : Editor-in-chief L. G. Napolitano, published four times a year, subscription price is US $80.00, Pergamon Press Ltd., (97 pages)
"Aether Drag" in a Transversely Moving Medium
"Ages" 87Rb - 87Sr du sol et des fragments rocheux ramenés des montagnes lunaires par la sonde automatique Luna 20 (région du cratère Apollonius)
"Ages" of the Sikhote Alin Iron Meteorite
"Al-Ca rich chondrules in the Coolidge chondrite"
"Alice" String as Source of the Kerr Spinning Particle
"All versus nothing" inseparability for two observers
"All-versus-nothing" nonlocality test of quantum mechanics by two-photon hyperentanglement