p-i-n Tunnel FETs vs. n-i-n MOSFETs: Performance Comparison from Devices to Circuits
p-shell hybridization and Hund's-rule mitigation: Engineering Hilbert spaces in artificial atoms
Pair correlations and the survival of superconductivity in and around a super-conducting impurity
Pair formation in two electron correlated chains
Pair Partitioning in time reversal acoustics
Pair Tunneling and shot noise through a single molecule in a strong electron-phonon coupling
Pair tunneling through single molecules
Pair-breaking effect on mesoscopic persistent currents
Pair-distribution functions of correlated composite fermions
Pair-tunneling resonance in the single-electron transport regime
Pair-wise decoherence in coupled spin qubit networks
Paired and clustered quantum Hall states
Paired and Stripe States in the Quantum Hall System
Paired composite fermion phase of quantum Hall bilayers at ν= 1/2 + 1/2
Paired composite fermion wavefunctions
Paired fractional quantum Hall states and the nu=5/2 puzzle
Paired Hall States versus Unidirectional CDW in Tilted Field for $ν={5/2}$
Paired states of fermions in two dimensions with breaking of parity and time-reversal symmetries, and the fractional quantum Hall effect
Paired states on a torus
Pairing and condensation of Laughlin quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall systems