A $Γ$-matrix generalization of the Kitaev model
A Backscattering Model Incorporating the Effective Carrier Temperature in Nano MOSFET
A Bell's inequality for the moment generating function of transferred charge
A Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice
A bosonization approach for bilayer quantum Hall systems at ν_T = 1
A Carbon Nanotube Based Nanorelay
A Caveat for Single-Molecule Magnetism: Non-linear Arrhenius Plots
A Charge and Spin Readout Scheme For Single Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
A Chemical turnstile
A Chern-Simons Effective Field Theory for the Pfaffian Quantum Hall State
A Circuit Model for Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanowires: Application to Conductance and Spin Transfer Torques
A coherent beam splitter for electronic spin states
A coherent double-quantum-dot electron pump
A Coherent Nonlinear Optical Signal Induced by Electron Correlations
A compact apparatus for studies of element and phase-resolved ferromagnetic resonance
A Compact Approximate Solution to the Friedel-Anderson Impuriy Problem
A Compact Approximate Solution to the Kondo Problem
A comparative ab initio study of neutral and charged kink-solitons on conjugated carbon chains
A comparative computational study of the electronic properties of planar and buckled silicene
A comparative study of fracture in Al: quantum mechanical vs. empirical atomistic description