H$_2$ dissociation over Au-nanowires and the fractional conductance quantum
H-H dipole interactions in fcc metals
h/2e oscillations and quantum chaos in ballistic Aharonov-Bohm billiards
H2-free synthesis of monolayer graphene with controllable grain size by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Haldane state with toroidal magnetic order
Half integer features in the quantum Hall Effect: experiment and theory
Half integer quantum Hall effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
Half quantum spin Hall effect on the surface of weak topological insulators
Half-filled 2D bilayers in a strong magnetic field: Revisiting the $ν=1/2$ fractional quantum Hall effect
Half-filled Landau level as a Fermi liquid of dipolar quasiparticles
Half-Filled Lowest Landau Level on a Thin Torus
Half-integer contributions to the quantum Hall conductivity from single Dirac cones
Half-Integer Filling Factor States in Quantum Dots
Half-Metallic Graphene Nanoribbons
Hall and spin Hall viscosity ratio in topological insulators
Hall Coefficient and electron-electron interaction of 2D electrons in Si-MOSFET's
Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance of 2D spin-polarized electron systems
Hall conductance from Berry curvature in carbon nanotubes
Hall Conductance of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Periodic Lattice with Triangular Antidots
Hall Conductance of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Spin-Orbit Coupling at the Presence of Lateral Periodic Potential