Ca-intercalated graphite as a hydrogen storage material: stability against decomposition into calcium hydride and graphite
Calculated magneto-resistance due to domain walls : the role of impurity scattering
Calculation and spectroscopy of the Landau band structure at a thin and atomically precise tunneling barrier
Calculation of Band Structure Using Local Sampling and Green's Functions
Calculation of Binding Energies for Fractional Quantum Hall States with Even Denominators
Calculation of Cu/Ta interface electron transmission and effect on conductivity in nanoscale interconnect technology
Calculation of current-induced torque from spin continuity equation
Calculation of dephasing times in closed quantum dots
Calculation of the conductance of a graphene sheet using the Chalker-Coddington network model
Calculation of the quantum conductance of silicon-doped carbon wire nanojunctions using the phase field matching theory and the tight-binding model
Calculation of the Self-energy of Open Quantum Systems
Calibrating the atomic balance by carbon nanoclusters
Calibration of the length of a chain of single gold atoms
Can a non-ideal metal ferromagnet inject spin into a semiconductor with 100% efficiency without a tunnel barrier?
Can an electric current orient spins in quantum wells?
Can backscattering off an impurity enhance the current?
Can Ballistic Electrons Probe the Electronic Spectra of Individual Buried Molecules?
Can Barrier to Relative Sliding of Carbon Nanotube Walls Be Measured?
Can dephasing generate non-local spin correlations?
Can Electric Field Induced Energy Gaps In Metallic Carbon Nanotubes?