Jahn-Teller / Kondo Interplay in a Three-Terminal Quantum Dot
Jahn-Teller Distortions and the Supershell Effect in Metal Nanowires
Jellium model of metallic nanocohesion
Johnson-Nyquist noise in films and narrow wires
Johnson-Nyquist noise in narrow wires
Joint manifestation of fractional quantum Hall effect and insulating behavior in graphene at high magnetic fields
Josephson $π$-state in superconductor-Luttinger liquid hybrid systems
Josephson and Andreev transport through quantum dots
Josephson array of mesoscopic objects. Modulation of system properties through the chemical potential
Josephson charge-phase qubit with radio frequency readout: coupling and decoherence
Josephson Coupling through a Quantum Dot
Josephson Current and Multiple Andreev Reflections in Graphene SNS Junctions
Josephson Current and Noise at a Superconductor-Quantum Spin Hall Insulator-Superconductor Junction
Josephson current in a superconductor -- ferromagnet -- superconductor junction with in-plane ferromagnetic domains
Josephson current in carbon nanotubes with spin-orbit interaction
Josephson current in nanofabricated V/Cu/V mesoscopic junctions
Josephson current in strongly correlated double quantum dots
Josephson current through a molecular transistor in a dissipative environment
Josephson Current through a Planar Junction of Graphene
Josephson current through a quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling