D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation in InSb/AlInSb quantum wells
D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation under electron-electron collisions in n-type QWs
D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation under electron-electron collisions in QWs
d+id'-wave Superconducting States in Graphene
D- shallow donor near a semiconductor-metal and a semiconductor-dielectric interface
Damped bounces of an isolated perfect quantum gas
Damping and decoherence of a nanomechanical resonator due to a few two level systems
Damping in high-frequency metallic nanomechanical resonators
Damping of a nanomechanical oscillator strongly coupled to a quantum dot
Damping of Exciton Rabi Rotations by Acoustic Phonons in Optically Excited InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
Damping of micromechanical structures by paramagnetic relaxation
Damping of Nanomechanical Resonators
Damping of Rabi oscillations in quantum dots due to lattice dynamics
Dangling-bond spin relaxation and magnetic 1/f noise from the amorphous-semiconductor/oxide interface: Theory
Dark and Bright Excitonic States in Nitride Quantum Dots
Dark channels in resonant tunneling transport through artificial atoms
Dark Exciton Condensate in GaAs Coupled Quantum Wells
Dark states in the magnetotransport through triple quantum dots
Dark-bright mixing of interband transitions in symmetric semiconductor quantum dots
Datta-Das transistor in the quantum Hall regime