"0.7 anomaly" and magnetic impurity formation in quantum point contacts
"Annular" ferroelectric domains in hexagonal manganites
"Artificial" superconductors. Superconducting phases in the MgxWO3 nanocomposite (x = 0.037; 0.125 - Tcx = 140; 280 K)
"Bad Metal" Conductivity of Hard Core Bosons
"Barber pole turbulence" in large aspect ratio Taylor-Couette flow
"Barchan" dunes in the lab
"Blue energy" from ion adsorption and electrode charging in sea- and river water
"Burning and sticking" model for a porous material: suppression of the topological phase transition due to the backbone reinforcement effect
"Chain scenario" for Josephson tunneling with pi-shift in YBa2Cu3O7
"Chaotic" kinetics, macroscopic fluctuations and long-term stability of the catalytic systems
"Cherenkov radiation" of a sound in a Bose-condensed gas
"Cigar" Fermi surface as a possible requisite for superconductivity in iron-based superconductors
"Classical" Vortex Nucleation in Superflow Through Small Orifices
"Cold Fusion" May be Part of a Scientific Revolution
"Cold Melting" of Invar Alloys
"Color-tripole ice" as a conceptual generalization of "spin ice"
"Commutator formalism" for pairs correlated through Schmidt decomposition as used in Quantum Information
"Configurational Free energy" : Direct free energy calculations in molecular systems
"Cosmological" quasiparticle production in harmonically trapped superfluid gases
"de Gennes" narrowing in supercooled molecular liquids : Evidence for center-of-mass dominated slow dynamics