1/(N-1) expansion based on a perturbation theory in U for the Anderson model with N-fold degeneracy
1/(N-1) expansion for a finite U Anderson model away from half-filling
1/2-Anyons in small atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
1/f noise as a probe for investigating band structure in graphene
1/f noise in experimental Sinai quantum billiards
1/f noise in nanowires
1/f Spin Noise and a Single Spin Detection with STM
1/f Tunnel Current Noise through Si-bound Alkyl Monolayers
1/f Tunnel Current Noise through Si-bound Alkyl Monolayers
1/N expansion for two-dimensional quantum ferromagnets
1/N Expansion in Correlated Graphene
1500-fold Tunneling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in a (Ga,Mn)As stack