Specification Test Compaction for Analog Circuits and MEMS
Static Address Generation Easing: a Design Methodology for Parallel Interleaver Architectures
Statistical Modeling of Pipeline Delay and Design of Pipeline under Process Variation to Enhance Yield in sub-100nm Technologies
Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing
Stochastic fuzzy controller
Stochastic Power Grid Analysis Considering Process Variations
Synchronization Processor Synthesis for Latency Insensitive Systems
Synthèse Comportementale Sous Contraintes de Communication et de Placement Mémoire pour les composants du TDSI
Synthesis of Fault Tolerant Reversible Logic Circuits
Synthesis of Low-Power Digital Circuits Derived from Binary Decision Diagrams
Systematic Figure of Merit Computation for the Design of Pipeline ADC
Systematic Transaction Level Modeling of Embedded Systems with SystemC
SystemC Analysis of a New Dynamic Power Management Architecture
Systolic Arrays for Lattice-Reduction-Aided MIMO Detection
Techniques for Fast Transient Fault Grading Based on Autonomous Emulation
Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores
Test Time Reduction Reusing Multiple Processors in a Network-on-Chip Based Architecture
Testing Logic Cores using a BIST P1500 Compliant Approach: A Case of Study
The Anatomy of the Grid - Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations
The Distributed Network Processor: a novel off-chip and on-chip interconnection network architecture