1/f noise in nanowires
1/f Spin Noise and a Single Spin Detection with STM
1/f Tunnel Current Noise through Si-bound Alkyl Monolayers
1/f Tunnel Current Noise through Si-bound Alkyl Monolayers
1/N expansion for two-dimensional quantum ferromagnets
1/N Expansion in Correlated Graphene
1500-fold Tunneling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in a (Ga,Mn)As stack
2002 Oliver E. Buckley Prize. The discoveries and the priorities
2D and 3D topological insulators with isotropic and parity-breaking Landau levels
2D Lattice of coupled Sinai billiards: metal or insulator at g<<1
2D massless QED Hall half-integer conductivity and graphene
2D Metal-Insulator transition as a percolation transition
2d random Dirac fermions: large N approach
2D Rashba system in AC magnetic field
2D skew scattering in the vicinity and away from resonant scattering condition
2D SNS junction with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
2D transport and screening in topological insulator surface states
3D Hopping Conduction in SnO2 nanobelts
3D nanostructuring of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin film surfaces by scanning tunnelling microscopy
3D Simulation of Nanowire FETs using Quantum Models