Voltage controlled exchange energies of a two electron silicon double quantum dot with and without charge defects in the dielectric
Voltage controlled spin precession
Voltage controlled spin precession in InAs quantum wells
Voltage controlled terahertz transmission through GaN quantum wells
Voltage dependence of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert damping of a spin in a current driven tunnel junction
Voltage Dependence of Spin Polarized Tunneling
Voltage dependent conductance and shot noise in quantum microconstriction with single defects
Voltage induced conformational changes and current control in charge transfer through molecules
Voltage percolation thresholds evidenced in the electrical behaviour of different nanostructures
Voltage probe model of spin decay in a chaotic quantum dot, with applications to spin-flip noise and entanglement production
Voltage profile and four terminal resistance of an interacting quantum wire
Voltage switching and domain relocation in semiconductor superlattices
Voltage-Controlled Berry Phases in Two Coupled Quantum Dots
Voltage-controlled electron tunnelling from a single self-assembled quantum dot embedded in a two-dimensional-electron-gas-based photovoltaic cell
Voltage-controlled electron-hole interaction in a single quantum dot
Voltage-controlled Group Velocity of Edge Magnetoplasmon in the Quantum Hall Regime
Voltage-Controlled Negative Index in Vertically Coupled Quantum Dot Systems
Voltage-Controlled Optics of a Quantum Dot
Voltage-Controlled Spin Selection in a Magnetic Resonant Tunnelling Diode
Voltage-controlled tunneling anisotropic magneto-resistance of a ferromagnetic $p^{++}$-(Ga,Mn)As/$n^{+}$-GaAs Zener-Esaki diode