Ultrafast Auger spectroscopy of quantum well excitons in a strong magnetic field
Ultrafast carrier dynamics in pristine and FeCl3-intercalated bilayer graphene
Ultrafast Carrier Recombination and Generation Rates for Plasmon Emission and Absorption in Graphene
Ultrafast carrier relaxation in GaN, In_(0.05)Ga_(0.95)N and an In_(0.05)Ga_(0.95)/In_(0.15)Ga_(0.85)N Multiple Quantum Well
Ultrafast Coherent Spectroscopy of the Fermi Edge Singularity
Ultrafast control of inelastic tunneling in a double semiconductor quantum
Ultrafast demagnetization in the sp-d model: a theoretical study
Ultrafast dephasing of light in strongly scattering GaP nanowires
Ultrafast Dynamic Metallization of Dielectric Nanofilms by Strong Single-Cycle Optical Fields
Ultrafast dynamics of coherences in the quantum Hall system
Ultrafast Dynamics of Gold Nanorods: Tuning between Photo-Bleaching and Photo-Induced Absorption
Ultrafast initialization and QND-readout of a spin qubit via control of nanodot-vacuum coupling
Ultrafast laser pulses to detect and generate fast thermo-mechanical transients in matter
Ultrafast laser-triggered emission from hafnium carbide tips
Ultrafast magnetic vortex core switching driven by topological inverse Faraday effect
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Ultrafast manipulation of electron spins in a double quantum dot device: A real-time view
Ultrafast mapping of optical polarization states onto spin coherence of localized electrons in a semiconductor
Ultrafast nano-focusing with full optical waveform control
Ultrafast nano-oscillators based on interlayer-bridged carbon nanoscrolls