Out-of-plane spin polarization from in-plane electric and magnetic fields
Output spectrum of a detector measuring quantum oscillations
Output spectrum of a measuring device at arbitrary voltage and temperature
Overdamped quantum phase diffusion and charging effects in Josephson junctions
Overhauser effect in individual InP/GaInP dots
Overlap integral for quantum skyrmions
Overlapping-gate architecture for silicon Hall bar MOSFET devices in the low electron density and high magnetic field regime
Overlapping-gate architecture for silicon Hall bar MOSFET devices in the low electron density regime
Overview of Spin-Based Quantum Dot Quantum Computation
Overview: Brownian Motion and Dephasing due to Dynamical Disorder
Overview: Energy Absorption by Driven Mesoscopic Systems
Oxidation behaviour of Zn nanoclusters
Oxide superlattices with alternating p and n interfaces
Oxygen adsorption effect on magnetic properties of graphite
Oxygen clamps in gold nanowires
Oxygen enhanced atomic chain formation