Observation of a uniform temperature dependence in the electrical resistance across the structural phase transition in thin film vanadium oxide ($VO_{2}$)
Observation of a warped helical spin-texture in Bi$_2$Se$_3$ from circular dichroism angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Observation of Aharonov-Bohm Superperiod in a Laughlin Quasiparticle Interferometer
Observation of an Electric-Field Induced Band Gap in Bilayer Graphene by Infrared Spectroscopy
Observation of an electrically tunable band gap in trilayer graphene
Observation of an in-plane magnetic-field-driven phase transition in a quantum Hall system with SU(4) symmetry
Observation of Andreev bound states at spin-active interfaces
Observation of anomalous decoherence effect in a quantum bath at room temperature
Observation of Anomalous Phonon Softening in Bilayer Graphene
Observation of Apparently Zero-Conductance States in Corbino Samples
Observation of Berry's Phase in a Solid State Qubit
Observation of charged excitons in hole-doped carbon nanotubes using photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy
Observation of Chiral Heat Transport in the Quantum Hall Regime
Observation of chiral quantum-Hall edge states in graphene
Observation of Coherent Charge-State Mixing in Asymmetric Bloch Transistors
Observation of Coherent Folded Acoustic Phonons Propagating in a Hybrid Au- InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells
Observation of collapse of pseudospin order in bilayer quantum Hall ferromagnets
Observation of Collective Excitations of the Dilute 2D Electron System
Observation of degenerate one-dimensional sub-bands in cylindrical InAs nanowires
Observation of disorder-induced weakening of electron-phonon interaction in thin noble metal films