On the Magnetic Nature of Quantum Point Contacts
On the magnetization textures in NiPd nanostructures
On the magneto-roton gap and the Laughlin state stability
On the magnetoresistance anisotropy of a 2-dimensional electron gas with large half-integer filling factors
On the microscopic theory of the exciton ring fragmentation
On the Mott formula for thermopower of non-interactions electrons in quantum point contacts
On the mystery of the missing pie in graphene
On the nature of interlayer interactions in a system of two graphene fragments
On the nature of steady states of spin distributions in the presence of spin-orbit interactions
On the nature of the negative-conductivity resonance in a superlattice Bloch oscillator
On the non-orthogonality problem in the description of quantum devices
On the non-V-representability of currents in time-dependent many particle systems
On the Origin of Preferential Growth of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
On the Phase Boundaries of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect. II
On the phase of oscillatory microwave photoresistance and zero-resistance states
On the Possibility of an Electronic-structure Modulation Transistor
On the possibility of obtaining MOSFET-like performance and sub-60 mV/decade swing in 1D broken-gap tunnel transistors
On the Possibility of THz Amplification and Generation in Nano-Structures, by Means of 2D Plasma Waves
On the problem of many-body localization
On the properties of surface reconstructed silicon nanowires