Nanomechanical Properties and Phase Transitions in a Double-Walled (5,5)@(10,10) Carbon Nanotube: ab initio Calculations
Nanomechanical properties of few-layer graphene membranes
Nanomechanical Resonators and Their Applications in Biological/Chemical Detection: Nanomechanics Principles
Nanomechanical resonators operating as charge detectors in the nonlinear regime
Nanomechanical Spin-Polarizer
Nanomechanical vibrating wire resonator for phonon spectroscopy in Helium
Nanometer-Scale Metallic Grains Connected with Atomic-Scale Conductors
Nanometer-scale striped surface terminations on fractured SrTiO$_{3}$ surfaces
Nanoparticle Shape Selection By Repulsive Interactions: Metal Islands on Few Layer Graphenes
Nanopillar Arrays on Semiconductor Membranes as Electron Emission Amplifiers
Nanoscale electromechanical resonators as probes of the charge density wave transition in NbSe$_2$
Nanoscale Fabrication by Intrinsic Suppression of Proximity-Electron Exposures and General Considerations for Easy & Effective Top-Down Fabrication
Nanoscale heat flux between anisotropic uniaxial media
Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer
Nanoscale Magnetic Heat Pumps and Engines
Nanoscale rectification at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
Nanoscale SOI-MOSFETs with Electrically Induced Source/Drain Extension: Novel attributes and Design considerations for Suppressed Short-channel Effects
Nanoscale spatial resolution probes for Scanning Thermal Microscopy of solid state materials
Nanoscale Zeeman localization of charge carriers in diluted magnetic semiconductor-permalloy hybrids
Nanoscopic Tunneling Contacts on Mesoscopic Multiprobe Conductors