Low-frequency Magneto-optical Spectra of Bilayer Bernal Graphene
Low-frequency noise as a source of dephasing of a qubit
Low-frequency noise in tunneling through a single spin
Low-frequency peak in the magnetoconductivity of a non-degenerate 2D electron liquid
Low-frequency spectroscopy of superconducting photonic crystals
Low-frequency vortex dynamic susceptibility and relaxation in mesoscopic ferromagnetic dots
Low-loss superconducting resonant circuits using vacuum-gap-based microwave components
Low-noise conditional operation of singlet-triplet coupled quantum dot qubits
Low-temperature ballistic transport in nanoscale epitaxial graphene cross junctions
Low-Temperature Collapse of Electron Localisation in Two Dimensions
Low-temperature Conductance Measurements On Single Molecules
Low-Temperature Decoherence of Qubit Coupled to Background Charges
Low-temperature Dephasing and Renormalization in Model Systems
Low-temperature dephasing in disordered conductors: experimental aspects
Low-temperature electron dephasing time in AuPd revisited
Low-temperature photoluminescence spectra of highly excited quantum wires
Low-Temperature Resistivity Anomalies in Periodic Curved Surfaces
Low-Temperature Saturation of the Dephasing Time and Effects of Microwave Radiation on Open Quantum Dots
Low-temperature scanning probe microscopy using a tuning fork transducer
Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot