Effect of disorder studied with ferromagnetic resonance for arrays of tangentially magnetized sub-micron Permalloy discs fabricated by nanosphere lithography
Effect of Distributed Particle Magnetic Moments on the Magnetization of NiO Nanoparticles
Effect of edge decoration on the energy spectrum of semi-infinite lattices
Effect of edge roughness in graphene nanoribbon transistors
Effect of Edge Roughness on Electronic Transport in Graphene Nanoribbon Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
Effect of edge structures on elastic modulus and fracture of graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial tension
Effect of edge transmission and elastic scattering on the resistance of magnetic barriers
Effect of electrical bias on spin transport across a magnetic domain wall
Effect of Electron Correlation on Current and Current Noise for the Single- and Two-Impurity Anderson Model
Effect of electron interactions on the conductivity and exchange coupling energy of disordered metallic magnetic multilayer
Effect of electron-beam irradiation on graphene field effect devices
Effect of electron-electron interaction on the phonon-mediated spin relaxation in quantum dots
Effect of electron-electron interactions on the conductivity of clean graphene
Effect of electron-electron scattering on magnetointersubband resistance oscillations of two-dimensional electrons in GaAs quantum wells
Effect of electron-phonon coupling on energy and density of states renormalizations of dynamically screened graphene
Effect of electron-phonon interaction on spectroscopies in graphene
Effect of electron-phonon interaction on the impurity binding energy in a quantum wire
Effect of electron-phonon scattering on shot noise in nanoscale junctions
Effect of Exchange Interaction on Spin Dephasing in a Double Quantum Dot
Effect of Exchange-type Zero-bias Anomaly on Single Electron Tunnelling of Au Nanoparticles