Very Slow Cooling Dynamics of Photoexcited Carriers in Graphene Observed by Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe Spectroscopy
Veselago Lens for Electrons: Focusing and Caustics in Graphene p-n Junctions
Vibrating Superconducting Island in a Josephson Junction
Vibration Induced Non-adiabatic Geometric Phase and Energy Uncertainty of Fermions in Graphene
Vibration Mode Induced Shapiro Steps and Backaction in Josephson Junctions
Vibration-assisted electron tunneling in C_{140} single-molecule transistors
Vibration-assisted tunneling through competing molecular states
Vibration-induced correction to the current through a single molecule
Vibration-mediated resonant tunneling and shot noise through a molecular quantum dot
Vibrational absorption sidebands in the Coulomb blockade regime of single-molecule transistors
Vibrational and electronic heating in nanoscale junctions
Vibrational coherence in electron spin resonance in nanoscale oscillators
Vibrational Coherences in Nano-Elastic Tunneling
Vibrational cooling, heating, and instability in molecular conducting junctions: Full counting statistics analysis
Vibrational detection and control of spin in mixed-valence molecular transistors
Vibrational effects in laser driven molecular wires
Vibrational effects in the linear conductance of carbon nanotubes
Vibrational effects on low-temperature properties of molecular conductors
Vibrational Enhancement of the Effective Donor - Acceptor Coupling
Vibrational Excitations in Weakly Coupled Single-Molecule Junctions: A Computational Analysis