Valley polarized electronic beam splitting in graphene
Valley separation in graphene by polarized light
Valley splitting in a Si/SiGe quantum point contact
Valley splitting in Si quantum dots embedded in SiGe
Valley splitting in strained silicon quantum wells
Valley splitting of Si/SiGe heterostructures in tilted magnetic fields
Valley susceptibility of an interacting two-dimensional electron system
Valley symmetry breaking in bilayer graphene: a test to the minimal model
Valley-based noise-resistant quantum computation using Si quantum dots
Valley-dependent Brewster angles and Goos-Hanchen effect in strained graphene
Valley-Hall Kink and Edge States in Multilayer Graphene
Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene p-n junction
Valley-Orbit Photocurrents in (111)-oriented Si-MOSFETs
van der Waals coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes
Van der Waals energy surface of carbon nanotubes sheet
van der Waals energy under strong atom-field coupling in doped carbon nanotubes
Van der Waals interaction in magnetic bilayer graphene nanoribbons
Van Hove Singularities in disordered multichannel quantum wires and nanotubes
Vanishing Hall Resistance at High Magnetic Field in a Double Layer Two-Dimensional Electron System
Vanishing Spin-Hall Conductivity in 2D disordered Rashba electron gas