Radio frequency pulsed-gate charge spectroscopy on coupled quantum dots
Radio frequency readout of electrically detected magnetic resonance in phosphorus-doped silicon MOSFETs
Radio-frequency point-contact electrometer
Radio-Frequency Rectification on Membrane Bound Pores
Radio-frequency reflectometry on large gated 2-dimensional systems
Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Refrigerator
Radio-frequency-driven motion of single Cooper pairs across the superconducting single-electron transistor with dissipative environment
Radius dependent shift of surface plasmon frequency in large metallic nanospheres: theory and experiment
Raman 2D-Band Splitting in Graphene: Theory and Experiment
Raman characteristic peaks induced by the topological defects of Carbon Nanotube Intramolecular Junction
Raman frequency shift in oxygen functionalized carbon nanotubes
Raman imaging and electronic properties of graphene
Raman modes of the deformed single-wall carbon nanotubes
Raman scattering from high frequency phonons in supported n-graphene layer films
Raman scattering in a two-dimensional electron gas: Boltzmann equation approach
Raman scattering in current carrying molecular junctions. A preliminary account
Raman scattering in quantum disks: enhanced efficiency of the electron-phonon interaction due to non-adiabaticity
Raman sensitivity to crystal structure in InAs nanowires
Raman signature of electron-electron correlation in chemically doped few-layer graphene
Raman signatures of classical and quantum phases in coupled dots: A theoretical prediction