Origin of adiabatic and non-adiabatic spin transfer torques in current-driven magnetic domain wall motion
Origin of broad polydispersion in functionalized dendrimers and its effects on cancer cell binding affinity
Origin of conductance quantization in disordered graphene ribbons
Origin of conductivity cross over in entangled multi-walled carbon nanotube network filled by iron
Origin of Discrepancies in Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectra of Molecular Junctions
Origin of enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization and all-optical nuclear magnetic resonance in GaAs quantum wells
Origin of Low-Frequency Negative Transconductance Dispersion in p-HEMT
Origin of negative differential resistance in a strongly coupled single molecule-metal junction device
Origin of negative differential resistance in molecular junctions of Rose Bengal
Origin of positive magnetoresistance in small-amplitude unidirectional lateral superlattices
Origin of Spin Hall Effect (Reply to Comment)
Origin of strong scarring of wavefunctions in quantum wells in a tilted magnetic field
Origin of the 0.25-anomaly in the nonlinear conductance of a quantum point contact
Origin of the emission within the cavity mode of coupled quantum dot-cavity systems
Origin of the fast magnetization tunneling in the single-molecule magnet [Ni(hmp)(tBuEtOH)Cl]4
Origin of the hysteresis in bilayer 2D systems in the quantum Hall regime
Origin of the metallic to insulating transition of an epitaxial Bi(111) film grown on Si(111)
Origin of the quasi-universality of the graphene minimal conductivity
Origins of dihydrogen binding to metal-inserted porphyrins: electric polarization and Kubas interaction
Orthogonality catastrophe and Kondo effect in graphene