Observation of Distinct Electron-Phonon Couplings in Gated Bilayer Graphene
Observation of dressed excitonic states in a single quantum dot
Observation of drift and diffusion processes in Ti/TiOx/Ti memristive devices prepared by local anodic oxidation
Observation of electric current induced by optically injected spin current
Observation of Electron-Hole Puddles in Graphene Using a Scanning Single Electron Transistor
Observation of electronic and atomic shell effects in gold nanowires
Observation of Electronic Raman Scattering in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes
Observation of enhanced transmission for s-polarized light through a subwavelength slit
Observation of exchange Coulomb interactions in the quantum Hall state at nu=3
Observation of excited states in a graphene double quantum dot
Observation of excited states in a graphene quantum dot
Observation of excited states in a p-type GaAs quantum dot
Observation of extremely slow hole spin relaxation in self-assembled quantum dots
Observation of Fermi-energy dependent unitary impurity resonances in a strong topological insulator Bi2Se3 with scanning tunneling spectroscopy
Observation of fractional quantum Hall effect at even-denominator 1/2 and 1/4 fillings in asymmetric wide quantum wells
Observation of half-integer quantum Hall effect in single-layer graphene using pulse magnet
Observation of Hysteretic Transport Due to Dynamic Nuclear Spin Polarization in a GaAs Lateral Double Quantum Dot
Observation of inter-edge magnetoplasmon mode in a degenerate two-dimensional electron gas
Observation of inter-Landau-level quantum coherence in semiconductor quantum wells
Observation of Inter-Valley Gap Anomaly of Two Dimensional electrons in Silicon