On the Zero-Bias Anomaly in Quantum Wires
On the zero-resistance states generated by radiation in GaAs/AlGaAs
On thermalization of magnetic nano-arrays at fabrication
On transport in quantum Hall systems with constrictions
On two-dimensional exciton bound by distant ionized-donor in a narrow quantum well
On-chip detection of ferromagnetic resonance of a single submicron permalloy strip
On-Chip Matching Networks for Radio-Frequency Single-Electron-Transistors
On-Chip Microwave Fock States and Quantum Homodyne Measurements
On-chip single photon emission from an integrated semiconductor quantum dot into a photonic crystal waveguide
On-Chip Single Plasmon Detection
On-chip SQUID measurements in the presence of high magnetic fields
On-column 2p bound state with topological charge \pm1 excited by an atomic-size vortex beam in an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope
On-demand confinement of semiconductor excitons by all-optical control
On-demand single-electron transfer between distant quantum dots
On-Site Interaction Effects on Localization : Dominance of Non-Universal Contributions
One and two dimensional tunnel junction arrays in weak Coulomb blockade regime-absolute accuracy in thermometry
One dimensional Si-in-Si(001) template for single-atom wire growth
One nanometer thin carbon nanosheets with tunable conductivity and stiffness
One-by-one trap activation in silicon nanowire transistors
One-channel conductor coupled to a quantum of resistance: exact ac conductance and finite-frequency noise