Low temperature specific heat of the molecular cluster Fe$_{8}$: contribution of the local field
Low temperature STM on InAs (110) accumulation surfaces
Low temperature thermal properties of mesoscopic normal-metal/superconductor heterostructures
Low temperature transport in granular metals
Low Temperature Transport in Undoped Mesoscopic Structures
Low Voltage I-V Characteristics in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Low- and high-frequency noise from coherent two-level systems
Low-dimensional light-emitting transistor with tunable recombination zone
Low-Energy Conductivity of Single- and Double-Layer Graphene from the Uncertainty Principle
Low-energy instability of flexural phonons in graphene
Low-energy Landau levels of AB-stacked zigzag graphene ribbons
Low-Energy Properties of a One-dimensional System of Interacting bosons with Boundaries
Low-energy sub-gap states in multi-channel Majorana wires
Low-energy theory and RKKY interaction for interacting quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
Low-energy theory of disordered interacting quantum wires
Low-field diffusion magneto-thermopower of a high mobility two-dimensional electron gas
Low-field magnetoresistance in GaAs 2D holes
Low-field quantum Hall transport in an electron Fabry-Perot interferometer: Determination of constriction filling vs front-gate voltage
Low-frequency conductivity of a non-degenerate 2D electron liquid in strong magnetic fields
Low-frequency excitation of double quantum dots