Landau level mixing in the nu=5/2 fractional quantum Hall state
Landau level spectra and the quantum Hall effect of multilayer graphene
Landau level spectroscopy of surface states in the topological insulator Bi$_{0.91}$Sb$_{0.09}$ via magneto-optics
Landau level spectroscopy of ultrathin graphite layers
Landau Level Spectrum of ABA- and ABC-stacked Trilayer Graphene
Landau level splitting due to graphene superlattices
Landau Level Splitting in Graphene in High Magnetic Fields
Landau level states on a topological insulator thin film
Landau Levels and Band Bending in Few-Layer Epitaxial Graphene
Landau levels and oscillator strength in a biased bilayer of graphene
Landau Levels and Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene Superlattices
Landau Levels from the Bethe Ansatz Equations
Landau levels in a topological insulator
Landau levels in asymmetric graphene trilayers
Landau levels in deformed bilayer graphene at low magnetic fields
Landau levels, edge states, and strained magnetic waveguides in graphene monolayers with enhanced spin-orbit interaction
Landau problem for bilayer graphene: Exact results
Landau quantization and equatorial states on a surface of a nanosphere
Landau Quantization of Massless Dirac Fermions in Topological Insulator
Landau Zener method to study quantum phase interference of Fe8 molecular nanomagnets