Kinetic theory of fluctuations in conducting systems
Kinetic theory of shot noise in non-degenerate diffusive conductors
Kinetics of 2D electrons in the magnetic field in the presence of microwave radiation. Response of a non-equilibrium system to a weak measurement field
Kinetics of 4He gas sorption by fullerite C60. Quantum effects
Kinetics of Electrodeposition of Silver and Copper at Template Synthesis of Nanowires
Kinetics of Exciton Emission Patterns and Carrier Transport
Kinetics of exciton photoluminescence in type-II semiconductor superlattices
Kinetics of indirect excitons in the optically-induced exciton trap
Kinetics of intermediate-mediated self-assembly in nano-sized materials: a generic model
Kinetics of non-equilibrium quasiparticle tunneling in superconducting charge qubits
Kinetics of quasiparticle trapping in a Cooper-pair box
Kinetics of Spin Relaxation in Wires and Channels: Boundary Spin Echo and Tachyons
Kinetics of the Bose-Einstein Condensation
Kinetics of the inner ring in the exciton emission pattern in GaAs coupled quantum wells
Kinetics of the Phase Separation Transition in Cold-Atom Boson-Fermion Mixtures
Kinetics of the superconducting charge qubit in the presence of a quasiparticle
Kinky Behavior in Josephson Junctions
Klein Backscattering and Fabry-Perot Interference in Graphene Heterojunctions
Klein Factors in multiple Fractional Quantum Hall edge tunneling
Klein Tunneling and Berry Phase $π$ in Bilayer Graphene with a Band Gap