Fano versus Kondo Resonances in a Multilevel "Semi-Open" Quantum Dot
Fano-Kondo effect in side-coupled double quantum dots at finite temperatures and the importance of the two-stage Kondo screening
Fano-Kondo interplay in a side-coupled double quantum dot
Fano-like Anti-resonances in Nanomechanical and Optomechanical Systems
Fano-Rashba effect in a quantum wire
Fano-Rashba effect in quantum dots
Far infrared absorption in triangular and square quantum dots: characterization of corner and side modes
Far infrared giant dipole resonances in neutral quantum dots
Far-infrared absorption in single-electron transistors: Theoretical results and experiment proposal
Far-infrared absorption of self-assembled semiconductor rings
Far-infrared induced current in a ballistic channel -- potential barrier structure
Far-infrared photo-conductivity of electrons in an array of nano-structured antidots
Far-infrared spectra of lateral quantum dot molecules
Faraday effect in graphene enclosed in an optical cavity and the equation of motion method for the study of magneto-optical transport in solids
Faraday rotation in graphene
Faraday rotation in photoexcited semiconductors: an excitonic many-body effect
Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy of Quantum-Dot Quantum Wells
Faraday-rotation fluctuation spectroscopy with static and oscillating magnetic fields
Fast and slow edges in bilayer graphene nanoribbons: Tuning the transition from band- to Mott-insulator
Fast detection of single-charge tunneling to a graphene quantum dot in a multi-level regime