Fictitious gauge fields in bilayer graphene
Fidelity and Entanglement of a Spatially Extended Linear Three-Qubit Register
Fidelity of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Fidelity of Optically Controlled Single- and Two-Qubit Operations on Coulomb-Coupled Quantum Dots
Field and intensity correlations in random media
Field Effect Transistors for Terahertz Detection: Physics and First Imaging Applications
Field electron emission mechanism in an ultrathin multilayer planar cold cathode
Field emission from single and few-layer graphene flakes
Field emission properties of as-grown multiwalled carbon nanotube films
Field enhanced electron mobility by nonlinear phonon scattering of Dirac electrons in semiconducting graphene nanoribbons
Field enhancement at metallic interfaces due to quantum confinement
Field enhancement in subnanometer metallic gaps
Field induced phase segregation and collective excitations of a trapped spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
Field induced quantum-Hall ferromagnetism in suspended bilayer graphene
Field sweep rate dependence of the coercive field of single-molecule magnets: a classical approach with applications to the quantum regime
Field Theoretical Approach To Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Field theoretical computations of static conductivity for a white noise magnetic system
Field Theoretical Description of Quantum Hall Edge Reconstruction
Field Theory for the Global Density of States Distribution Function in Disordered Conductors
Field Theory of Anisotropic Quantum Hall Gas: Metrology and a Novel Quantum Hall Regime