Ballistic electron spectroscopy
Ballistic electron transport exceeding 160 microns in an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs FET
Ballistic electron transport in stubbed quantum waveguides: experiment and theory
Ballistic electron transport through magnetic domain walls
Ballistic electronic transport in Quantum Cables
Ballistic Graphene Nanoribbon MOSFETs: a full quantum real-space simulation study
Ballistic Hot Electron Transport in Graphene
Ballistic Intrinsic Spin-Hall Effect in HgTe Nanostructures
Ballistic magnetoresistance in small-size carbon nanotubes devices
Ballistic Quantum Dots with Disorder and Interactions: A numerical study on the Robnik-Berry billiard
Ballistic quantum spin Hall state and enhanced edge backscattering in strong magnetic fields
Ballistic quantum transport at high energies and high magnetic fields
Ballistic Quantum Transport: Effect of Geometrical Phases
Ballistic reflection at a side-gate in a superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor structure
Ballistic side jump motion of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum wells
Ballistic spin currents in mesoscopic metal/In(Ga)As/metal junctions
Ballistic spin field-effect transistors: Multichannel effects
Ballistic spin filtering across the ferromagnetic-semiconductor interface
Ballistic Spin Resonance
Ballistic spin transport through electronic stub tuners: spin precession, selection, and square-wave transmission