$s$- and $d_{xy}$-wave components induced around a vortex in $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave superconductors
$S$-wave pairing symmetry in non-centrosymmetric superconductor Re$_3$W
$S=1/2$ Chain-Boundary Excitations in the Haldane Phase of 1D $S=1$ Systems
$sp^{2}$/$sp^{3}$ carbon ratio in graphite oxide with different preparation times
$Sr Cu_2 (BO_3)_2$: A Unique Mott Hubbard Insulator
$Sr\_{14}Cu\_{24}O\_{41}$ : a complete model for the chain sub-system
$SU(2)/Z_2$ symmetry of the BKT transition and twisted boundary conditio n
$S_4$ Symmetric Microscopic Model for Iron-Based Superconductors
$T \to 0$ mean-field population dynamics approach for the random 3-satisfiability problem
$t-J$ model one-electron renormalizations: high energy features in photoemission experiments of high-$T_c$ cuprates
$T_1$- and $T_2$-spin relaxation time limitations of phosphorous donor electrons near crystalline silicon to silicon dioxide interface defects
$T_c$ Dependence of Energy Gap and Asymmetry of Coherence Peaks in NdBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$
$T_c$ suppression in co-doped striped cuprates
$U(1) \times U(1) \rtimes Z_2$ Chern-Simons Theory and Z_4 Parafermion Fractional Quantum Hall States
$U(1)\times SU(2)$ gauge theory of underdoped cuprate superconductors
$W$ : an alternative phenomenological coupling parameter for model systems
$W_{1+\infty}$ Dynamics of Edge Excitations in the Quantum Hall Effect
$XXZ$ model as effective Hamiltonian for generalized Hubbard models with broken $η$-symmetry
$Z_2$ spin liquid and chiral antiferromagnetic phase in Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice: duality between Schwinger-fermion and Schwinger-boson representations
$Z_2$ Topological Order and the Quantum Spin Hall Effect