O adsorption and incipient oxidation of the Mg(0001) surface
O(1) contribution of saddle point fluctuations to the free energy of Bethe Ansatz systems
O(1) loop model with different boundary conditions and symmetry classes of alternating-sign matrices
O(4)-Invariant Formulation of the Nodal Liquid
O(N) algorithms for disordered systems
O(N) algorithms in tight-binding molecular-dynamics simulations of the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes
O(N) methods in electronic structure calculations
O(N) symmetry-breaking quantum quench: Topological defects versus quasiparticles
O(n) vector model at n=-1, -2 on random planar lattices: a direct combinatorial derivation
O(N)-invariant Hierarchical Renormalization Group Fixed Points by Algebraic Numerical Computation and ε-Expansion
O- and H- induced surface core level shifts on Ru(0001): Prevalence of the additivity rule
O-vacancy as the origin of negative bias illumination stress instability in amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors
Obervation of non-linear stationary spin waves in superfluid 3He-B
Object Wave Reconstruction by Phase-Plate Transmission Electron Microscopy
Oblique Confinement and Phase Transitions in Chern-Simons Gauge Theories
Oblique Half-Solitons and their Generation in Exciton-Polariton Condensates
Oblique Hanle Effect in Semiconductor Spin Transport Devices
Oblique Impact of Frictionless Spheres: On the Limitations of Hard Sphere Models for Granular Dynamics
Oblique launching of optical surface waves by a subwavelength slit
Oblique solitons in the flow of polariton condensate past an obstacle