{\it Ab initio} calculations of magnetic structure and lattice dynamics of Fe/Pt multilayers
{\it Ab initio} Simulation of Silver Transport in Ge_xSe_1-x: Ag
{\it Ab initio} studies of spin-spiral waves and exchange interactions in 3{\it d} transition metal atomic chains
{\it Ab initio} Studies on the Interplay between Spin-Orbit Interaction and Coulomb Correlation in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ and Ba$_2$IrO$_4$
{\it Ab--initio} finite temperature excitons
{\it In-situ} Laser Microprocessing at the Quantum Level
η-Exponents in the one dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with next to nearest neighbour coupling
η-superconductivity in the Hubbard chain with pair hopping
λ-transition in low dimensional systems with SU_q(2) symmetry
μ-Brillouin spectroscopy mapping of the residual density field induced by Vickers indentation in a soda-lime silicate glass
μSR Study of Spin Dynamics in LiY$_{1-x}$Ho$_{x}$F$_{4}$
μSR-detection of the soft-mode toward the exotic magnetic ground state in bond-disordered quantum spin system IPA-Cu(Cl$_{0.35}$Br$_{0.65}$)$_3$
π junction transition in InAs self-assembled quantum dot coupled with SQUID