(001)-Surface-induced bulk and surface states in wide band gap sincblende II-VI semiconductors
(100) ideal-surface band structure for the series of Cu-based chalcopyrites
(13)C NMR investigation of the superconductor MgCNi_3 up to 800K
(3+1)-TQFTs and Topological Insulators
(4+N)-Dimensional Elastic Manifolds in Random Media: a Renormalization-Group Analysis
(63)Cu NQR Evidence for Spatial Variation of Hole Concentration in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)
(A note on) self-similarity in granular media
(De)confinement of supercurrent in Z_2 Topological Insulators
(De)Localization in the Prime Schrodinger Operator
(Ga,In)P: A standard alloy in the classification of phonon mode behavior
(Ga,Mn)As based superlattices and the search for antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling
(Ga,Mn)As on patterned GaAs(001) substrates: Growth and magnetotransport
(Giant) Vortex - (anti) vortex interaction in bulk superconductors: The Ginzburg-Landau theory
(In,Ga)As gated-vertical quantum dot with an Al2O3 insulator
(Ir-)Reversibility and thermal equilibrium in magnetic domain pattern formation in ultra-thin ferromagnetic films
(Meta-)stable reconstructions of the diamond(111) surface: interplay between diamond- and graphite-like bonding
(Mis-)handling gauge invariance in the theory of the quantum Hall effect I: Unifying action and the ν=1/2 state
(Mis-)handling gauge invariance in the theory of the quantum Hall effect II: Perturbative results
(Mis-)handling gauge invariance in the theory of the quantum Hall effect III: The instanton vacuum and chiral edge physics
(PI,0) antiferromagnetic spin excitations in superconducting Rb0.82Fe1.68Se2