V-T Theory of Self Dynamic Response in a Monatomic Liquid
V-V Bond-Length Fluctuations in Vox
V2O3(0001) on Au(111) and W(110): Metal to Insulator Transition Induced by Surface Termination
Vacancy assisted arsenic diffusion and time dependent clustering effects in silicon
Vacancy clustering and diffusion in silicon: Kinetic lattice Monte Carlo simulations
Vacancy complexes with oversized impurities in Si and Ge
Vacancy defect positron lifetimes in strontium titanate
Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface I: An STM study
Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface II: Random walk theory
Vacancy diffusion in the triangular lattice dimer model
Vacancy Driven Orbital and Magnetic Order in (K,Tl,Cs)$_y$Fe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$
Vacancy effects in an easy-plane Heisenberg model: reduction of T_c and doubly-charged vortices
Vacancy Formation Energy at High Pressures in Tantalum
Vacancy induced magnetism in graphene and graphene ribbons
Vacancy Induced Splitting of Dirac Nodal Point in Graphene
Vacancy localization in the square dimer model
Vacancy ordering and electronic structure of gamma-Fe2O3 (maghemite): a theoretical investigation
Vacancy ordering and phonon spectrum in the Fe superconductor K$_{0.8}$Fe$_{1.6}$Se$_2$
Vacancy supersolid of hard-core bosons on the square lattice
Vacancy theory of melting