W-T identities and a candidate "droplet" Lagrangean for the Ising Spin Glass
W=0 Pairing in $(N,N)$ Carbon Nanotubes away from Half Filling
W=0 pairing in Hubbard and related models of low-dimensional superconductors
Wafer Scale Homogeneous Bilayer Graphene Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Wafer-Scale Assembly of Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays by Contact Printing
Wafer-scale Epitaxial Graphene Growth on the Si-face of Hexagonal SiC (0001) for High Frequency Transistors
Wafer-scale graphene/ferroelectric hybrid devices for low-voltage electronics
Wafer-scale selective area growth of GaN hexagonal prismatic nanostructures on c-sapphire substrate
Wafer-scale synthesis and transfer of graphene films
Wafer-Scale, Sub-5 nm Junction Formation by Monolayer Doping and Conventional Spike Annealing
Waiting and Residence Times of Brownian Interface Fluctuations
Waiting Cycle Times and Generalized Haldane Equality in the Steady-state Cycle Kinetics of Single Enzymes
Waiting time distributions of electron transfers through quantum dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
Waiting time statistics in solar flares
Waiting Times and Noise in Single Particle Transport
Waiting-time distribution between avalanches and 1/f-noise: Experiments on a three dimensional pile of rice
Waiting-times and returns in high-frequency financial data: an empirical study
Walking on fractals: diffusion and self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters
Walks of molecular motors in two and three dimensions
Walks of molecular motors interacting with immobilized filaments