4-pole analysis of the two-dimensional Hubbard model
4/3-Law of Granular Particles Flowing through a Vertical Pipe
45-degree rotated epitaxial nucleation of diamond on silicon using chemical vapor deposition
4D Spin Glasses in Magnetic Field Have a Mean Field like Phase
4D-XY quantum criticality in a doped Mott insulator
4e-condensation in a fully frustrated Josephson junction diamond chain
4f and 5d levels of Ce3+ in D2 eightfold oxygen coordination
4f spin density in the reentrant ferromagnet SmMn2Ge2
4f-derived Fermi Surfaces of CeRu2(Si[1-x]Ge[x])2 near the Quantum Critical Point: Resonant Soft X-ray ARPES Study
4f-hybridization effect on the magnetism of Nd2PdSi3, an anomalous magnetic compound
4f-spin dynamics in La(2-x-y)Sr(x)Nd(y)CuO(4)
4He adsorbed inside (10,10) single walled carbon nanotubes
4He Detection in a Cold Fusion Experiment
4He on a single graphene sheet
4p states and X-Ray Spectroscopy