0-$π$ phase shifts in Josephson junctions as a signature for the $s_{\pm}$-wave pairing state
0-$π$ transition in magnetic triplet superconductor Josephson junctions
0-pi Josephson tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic barrier
0-pi oscillations in nanostructured Nb/Fe/Nb Josephson junctions
0-pi transition in SFS junctions with strongly spin-dependent scattering
0-pi Transitions in a Superconductor/Chiral Ferromagnet/Superconductor Junction induced by a Homogeneous Cycloidal Spiral
0-pi transitions in Josephson junctions with antiferromagnetic interlayers
0.4 and 0.7 conductance anomalies in quantum point contacts
0.7 Structure and Zero Bias Anomaly in Ballistic Hole Quantum Wires
0.7-anomaly and magnetotransport of disordered quantum wires