F-electron spectral function near a quantum critical point
F-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model and the Wiener-Hopf sum equation approach
F-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions: the half-filled case
f-Electron-Nuclear Hyperfine-Coupled Multiplets in the Unconventional Charge Order Phase of Filled Skutterudite PrRu4P12
f-Sum Rule and Unconventional Spectral Weight Transfer in Graphene
F-wave versus P-wave Superconductivity in Organic Conductors
F/S interfaces: point contact versus atomic thickness geometries
Fabrication and characterisation of ambipolar devices on an undoped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure
Fabrication and characterisation of CdSe photonic structures from self-assembly
Fabrication and characterization of a Ni-Mn-Ga uniaxially textured freestanding film deposited by DC magnetron sputtering
Fabrication and characterization of an induced GaAs single hole transistor
Fabrication and Characterization of Boron Carbide / n-Silicon Carbide Heterojunction Diodes
Fabrication and Characterization of Controllable Grain Boundary Arrays in Solution Processed Small Molecule Organic Semiconductor Films
Fabrication and Characterization of Electrostatic Quantum Dots in a Si/SiGe 2D Electron Gas, Including an Integrated Read-out Channel
Fabrication and characterization of iron pnictide wires and bulk materials through the powder-in-tube method
Fabrication and Characterization of Metallic Nanowires
Fabrication and characterization of pseudo-spin-MOSFET
Fabrication and characterization of scanning tunneling microscopy superconducting Nb tips having highly enhanced critical fields
Fabrication and Characterization of Short Josephson Junctions with Stepped Ferromagnetic Barrier
Fabrication and characterization of superconducting circuit QED devices for quantum computation