N electrons in a quantum dot: Two-point Pade approximants
N Fermion Ground State of Calogero-Sutherland Type Models in Two and Higher Dimensions
N identical particles under quantum confinement: A many-body dimensional perturbation theory approach
n(k) Structure and Matrix Elements in Photoemission: Results from Insulating Ca_2CuO_2Cl_2
N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-bis(dicarboximide) on alkali halide(001) surfaces
n-Alkyl Thiol Head Group Interactions with the Au(111) Surface
n-atic Order and Continuous Shape Changes of Deformable Surfaces of Genus Zero
N-body Efimov states from two-particle noise
N-body Study of Anisotropic Membrane Inclusions: Membrane Mediated Interactions and Ordered Aggregation
N-conserving Bogoliubov vacuum of a two component Bose-Einstein condensate: Density fluctuations close to a phase separation condition
N-dimensional electron in a spherical potential: the large-N limit
N-dimensional nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients
N-leg integer-spin ladders and tubes in commensurate external fields -Nonlinear sigma model approach-
N-particle Bogoliubov vacuum state
N-particle scattering matrix for electrons interacting on a quantum dot
N-representability and density-functional construction in curvilinear coordinates
N-representability and stationarity in time-dependent density functional theory
N-representability of two-electron densities and density matrices and the application to the few-body problem
N-Site approximations and CAM analysis for a stochastic sandpile
N-species stochastic models with boundaries and quadratic algebras