Protein Adsorption on Lipid Monolayers at their Coexistence Region
Protein crystallization in confined geometries
Protein crystals and charged surfaces: interactions and heterogeneous nucleation
Protein Evolution within a Structural Space
Protein Foldability and Designability: General Physics and Pretty Chemistry
Protein Folding as a Physical Stochastic Process
Protein folding mediated by solvation: water expelling and formation of the hydrophobic core occurs after the structure collapse
Protein folding on rugged energy landscapes: Conformational diffusion on fractal networks
Protein folding using contact maps
Protein folding, anisotropic collapse and blue phases
Protein Ground State Candidates in a Simple Model: An Exact Enumeration
Protein mechanical unfolding: a model with binary variables
Protein motors induced enhanced diffusion in intracellular transport
Protein Sequence, Structure, Stability and Functionality
Protein threading by learning
Protein Unfolding and the Diffusion Collision Model
Protein-DNA interactions: reaching and recognizing the targets
Protein-Mediated DNA Loops: Effects of Protein Bridge Size and Kinks
Protein-mediated Loops and Phase Transition in Nonthermal Denaturation of DNA
Proteins Wriggle