Ultra-fast quenching of binary colloidal suspensions in an external magnetic field
Ultra-long range correlations of the dynamics of jammed soft matter
Ultra-sensitive surface absorption spectroscopy using sub-wavelength diameter optical fibers
Ultracold atom-molecule mixture gases in a harmonic trap
Ultracold Bose atoms in intense laser fields: intensity- and density-dependent effects
Ultracold Cs$_2$ Feshbach Spectroscopy
Ultracold Li + Li_2 collisions: bosonic and fermionic cases
Ultrafast Large Area Micropattern Generation in Non-absorbing Polymer Thin-Films by Pulsed Laser Diffraction
Ultraslow dynamics and stress relaxation in the aging of a soft glassy system
Ultrasoft primitive model of polyionic solutions: structure, aggregation, and dynamics
Ultrasonic study of the gelation of gelatin: phase diagram, hysteresis and kinetics
Umklapp collisions and center of mass oscillation of a trapped Fermi gas
Unbinding Transition Induced by Osmotic Pressure in Relation to Unilamellar Vesicle Formation
Unbinding transitions of multicomponent membranes and strings
Unconventional elasticity in smectic-A elastomers
Under the influence of alcohol: The effect of ethanol and methanol on lipid bilayers
Under-knotted and over-knotted polymers: compact self-avoiding loops
Under-knotted and Over-knotted Polymers: Unrestricted Loops
Understanding crack versus cavitation in pressure-sensitive adhesives: the role of kinetics
Understanding Mechanochemical Coupling in Kinesins Using First-Passage Time Processes