V-T Theory of Self Dynamic Response in a Monatomic Liquid
Vacancy-stabilized crystalline order in hard cubes
Validity of the "sharp-kink approximation" for water and other fluids
Validity of the scaling functional approach for polymer interfaces as a variational theory
Van der Waals interaction in uniaxial anisotropic media
van der Waals interaction of parallel polymers and nanotubes
Van der Waals interactions across stratified media
van der Waals interactions of the benzene dimer: towards treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dimers
van der Waals-like phase separation instability of a driven granular gas in three dimensions
Van-der-Waals supercritical fluid: Exact formulas for special lines
Vapor-liquid surface tension of strong short-range Yukawa fluid
Vaporization and Layering of Alkanols at the Oil/Water Interface
Variational approach for electrolyte solutions: from dielectric interfaces to charged nanopores
Variational Approach to the Modulational Instability
Variational bound on energy dissipation in plane Couette flow
Variational bound on energy dissipation in turbulent shear flow
Variational charge renormalization in charged systems
Variational Inequalities in Critical-State Problems
Variational theory for a single polyelectrolyte chain revisited
Variational theory for site resolved protein folding free energy surfaces