Wall adsorption of a colloidal particle moving in a quiescent partially wetting fluid
Wall effects on granular heap stability
Wall slip and flow of concentrated hard-sphere colloidal suspensions
Wall slip, shear banding, and instability in the flow of a triblock copolymer micellar solution
Wall-Fluid and Liquid-Gas Interfaces of Model Colloid-Polymer Mixtures by Simulation and Theory
Wannier functions of elliptic one-gap potentials
Wannier states and Bose-Hubbard parameters for 2D optical lattices
Warm and Cold Denaturation in the Phase Diagram of a Protein Lattice Model
Water alignment, dipolar interactions, and multiple proton occupancy during water-wire proton transport
Water at Positive and Negative Pressures
Water confined in nanopores: spontaneous formation of microcavities
Water Droplets in a Spherically Confined Nematic Solvent: A Numerical Investigation
Water jet rebounds on hydrophobic surfaces : a first step to jet micro-fluidics
Water modeled as an intermediate element between carbon and silicon
Water permeation through stratum corneum lipid bilayers from atomistic simulations
Water spring: a model for bouncing drops
Water structuring and collagen adsorption at hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon surfaces
Water's Hydrogen Bond Strength
Water-like Anomalies and Breakdown of the Rosenfeld Excess Entropy Scaling Relations for the Core-Softened Systems: Dependence on the Trajectory in Density-Temperature Plane
Water-like anomalies for core-softened models of fluids: One dimension