G-quartet biomolecular nanowires
Gap maps and intrinsic diffraction losses in one-dimensional photonic crystal slabs
Gap solitons in quasiperiodic optical lattices
Gas Bubbles and Gas Pancakes at Liquid/Solid Interface: A Continuum Theory Incorporated with Molecular Interactions
Gas permeation through a polymer network
Gas-Liquid Coexistence in the Primitive Model for Water
Gas-liquid critical point in ionic fluids
Gas-liquid phase separation in oppositely charged colloids: stability and interfacial tension
Gas-Mediated Impact Dynamics in Fine-Grained Granular Materials
Gas-Solid Coexistence in Highly Charged Colloidal Suspensions
Gas-solid coexistence of adhesive spheres
Gases, liquids and crystals in granular segregation
Gating-by-tilt of mechanosensitive membrane channels
Gaussian and non-Gaussian speckle fluctuations in the diffusing-wave spectroscopy signal of a coarsening foam
Gaussian approximation for finitely extensible bead-spring chains with hydrodynamic interaction
Gaussian approximation to the condensation of the interacting Bose gas
Gaussian density fluctuations and Mode Coupling Theory for supercooled liquids
Gaussian density fluctuations, mode coupling theory, and all that
Gaussian ellipsoid model for confined polymer systems
Gaussian excitations model for glass-former dynamics and thermodynamics